Our History

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Our History

Settlement Health facility in East Harlem depicted in watercolor
company logo ebbedded in the number 40 signifying settlement health's 40 year anniversary

Our Vision

As a result of Settlement Health’s comprehensive services, the communities we serve will be informed, activated and in charge of their health.

Our Mission

Settlement Health is a community health center whose mission is to provide East Harlem and neighboring communities with high quality, patient centered, culturally sensitive and accessible primary healthcare and related services, regardless of ability to pay.

Our Story

Settlement Health and Medical Services, Inc. and has been providing high-quality, comprehensive primary health care services to East Harlem ever since it was incorporated in 1978.  We are a federally qualified health center dedicated to providing high quality primary care to all those who seek it and need it.

Our main facility is located at 212 East 106th Street and we provide a full range of primary care family medicine services: Women’s Health including prenatal care, Pediatrics, Adolescent, Adult and Geriatric care which is delivered throughout our facilities. Specialty services are routinely coordinated with other physicians and local hospitals (Mount Sinai and Metropolitan Hospitals). In addition to primary health care services, Settlement Health offers numerous supportive and educational services, including HIV counseling and testing services and case management services.

In May of 2016, we opened a satellite site: Settlement Health Plaza located at 2070 First Avenue.  At the Plaza we offer a full range of Family Medicine services.

Settlement Health has been guided by a strong belief that our patients deserve the same comforts and quality of care that exist in the city’s finest health centers.  Our high quality services are available to citizens of all countries who reside in the Greater New York area, regardless of age, race, gender, language, origin, religion, or disability.

We are proud to take the lead in ending the tradition of noisy crowded ‘clinics’ with long waits as the only health care option for our community. Settlement Health employs over 100 staff members, which include experienced physicians, nurse practitioners and certified nurse midwifes.

Settlement Health is a Health Center Program Grantee under 42 U.S.C. 245b. This Health Center receives HHS funding and has Federal Public Health Service (PHS) deemed status with respect to certain health or health-related claims, including medical malpractice claims, for itself and its covered individuals. 

Our Accomplishments