This September is Fruits & Veggies month. More Matters! Most people know that eating fruits and vegetables is important for good health, but most of us still aren’t getting enough. Eating a healthy diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits can help you: Lower your risk for heart disease and some types of cancer Maintain or reach a healthy weight Keep your body strong and active Here are some ideas to help you and your family fit more fruits and vegetables into your day: Keep a bowl of fruit handy where the whole family can see it. Cut up fruits...
Behavioral Health & Care Management

Behavioral Health & Care Management
Emotional, social and mental well-being is important to your overall health. We believe that providing our patients with health education, behavioral health resources and important social services can improve health outcomes.
Need help managing your health? Our Care Management services are available to assist patients of all ages with health conditions such as Diabetes, Asthma, Hypertension, Depression and other serious health concerns.
Our Care Management team works closely with our Clinicians to ensure that patients who are in need of health education and support receive necessary referrals.
Settlement Health’s Care Management services include:
- Insurance Eligibility and Enrollment (Need health insurance? Click here)
- Perinatal Case Management
- Guidance on Healthy Lifestyles
- Patient Advocacy
- Support groups (Seniors, HIV, Emotional Wellness)
- HIV Testing and Case Management
- Onsite Peer Educators
- Referral services for substance abuse, domestic violence, mental health and other community referrals depending on patient needs.
Our Care Management Team